Chris Marquette

MAG: Deadly Force Instructor

NRA Instructor
NRA Certified Instructor in Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home and Range Safety Officer

MAG: Armed Citizens’ Rules of Engagement
Armed Citizens’ Rules of Engagement Graduate

Minnesota BCA Certified Training Organization
Certified to train instructors for the MN Permit to Carry

CPR and AED Certified

USPSA Competitor

Counter Ambush Certification

MN DNR Volunteer Firearms Instructor
Certified Hunter and Firearms Instructor With The MN DNR

Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network Instructor

USCCA Certified Instructor

Taser Certified

Association of Defensive Shooting Instructors Member
Other Training……
- Robert Vogel’s World Class Pistol Skills
- Tactical Training Solutions PROGRESSIVE PISTOLCRAFT 1
- Tactical Training Solutions PROGRESSIVE PISTOLCRAFT 2
- Rob Pincus’ Counter Ambush
- Dave Grossman’s ON COMBAT
Certified Instructors
The following Instructors are Certified to Teach the Minnesota Permit to Carry Class